My Avoidable Temptation

It is usual to12243763_10153636491425991_1206781953_n have temptations in life.

For me temptation is a big problem, there are a lot of temptations in this world whether in the field of  alcohol or drugs. When it comes to parents they are the ones who should advice you against such matters and push you away. However; when the situation comes down to alcohol being around you for 24/7 and your parents allow, accept and consume it, then this is the ticket to continue and accept it in your life; the temptation of consuming it increases by the minute. How can one avoid his temptation when its being reached  to its limit while you are still fighting that inner battle not to; refusing to be a subject to such matter. How could it be achievable when the surrounding sphere you live in is in fact  accepting it to the extreme.

I’m always tempted..


6 thoughts on “My Avoidable Temptation

  1. got a grip on me fer many years that drug did – alcohol – so released frum the grip – after a few years one sees how messed up the alcohol addiction is if one lets it get ahold of em . take care..glad ya got the grip back 🙂 Q keep on keepin on !


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